Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Decode Peoplecode -

decodePC.sqr as written by David L. Price has been rewritten to and expanded. It's general purpose is decoding PeopleCode stored as BLOB. The PeopleSoft database is accessed via a JDBC connection therefore there is no need to use Application Designer to look at PeopleCode, Application Engine programs, SQL, and XSLT. can read Application Engine programs and Application Packages and output them to a text file so you can get on with solving business problems.

Example of compiling with Oracle JDBC on a Unix box from a command prompt in the directory where exists:

javac -classpath /directorypath/ojdbc14.jar ./

Example of running decodePC.class with Oracle JDBC on a Unix box from a command prompt in the directory where decodePC.class exists:

java -classpath .:/directorypath/ojdbc14.jar decodePC

Download the code here from the site!