Saturday, November 17, 2007

Peoplesoft perfomance

Monitoring Tools - Oracle Database

Written by David Vandiver
(Topic formerly known as "Active Sessions with SQL Statements")
This is a collection of SQL statements that you can run to see activity and performance on your PeopleSoft system.
You will need read permission to the following tables:

The first SQL gives you active sessions, including the operator's name from the PSOPRDEFN table. There is also a "Kill Statement" built as one of the columns. This allows you to copy and paste the "Kill SQL" column and send it to the dba quickly.
-- Sessions and PSOPRDEFN

select nvl(b.oprdefndesc,'Blank'), a.CLIENT_INFO,a.OSUSER, a.machine, a.PROGRAM,a.LOCKWAIT, a.LOGON_TIME,'ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION ''' a.SID ',' a.SERIAL# ''';' "Kill SQL"from v$session a, psoprdefn bwhere status = 'ACTIVE'and a.USERNAME is not nulland substr(a.client_info, 1, 7) = b.oprid (+);

The last three are still being tweaked, but should work.

-- For statistics use:

SELECT * FROM (SELECT hash_value , sum(disk_reads) , sum(buffer_gets) ,sum(rows_processed), sum(buffer_gets)/greatest(sum(rows_processed),1) , sum(executions) , sum(buffer_gets)/greatest(sum(executions), 1) from V$SQL where command_type in (2,3,6,7) group by hash_value order by 5 desc) WHERE rownum <= 10;

--To get the SQL text for the above statistics use the following:

select t.SQL_TEXT from v$sqlarea t where t.HASH_VALUE in (SELECT hash_value FROM (SELECT hash_value , sum(disk_reads) , sum(buffer_gets) ,sum(rows_processed), sum(buffer_gets)/greatest(sum(rows_processed),1) , sum(executions) , sum(buffer_gets)/greatest(sum(executions), 1) from V$SQL where command_type in (2,3,6,7) group by hash_value order by 5 desc) WHERE rownum <= 10);

--To find the top ten run sql’s:

SELECT * FROM (SELECT hash_value,address,substr(sql_text,1,40) sql, buffer_gets, executions, buffer_gets/executions "Gets/Exec", sql_text "Full SQL Text" FROM V$SQLAREA WHERE buffer_gets > 100000 AND executions > 10 ORDER BY buffer_gets DESC)WHERE rownum <= 10;


Anonymous said...

Do we need any special permissions to use Kill Statement?

I liked the blog. Actually I had the similar question got asked in one of the interview, and there is one website which is having tricky questions related to peoplesoft.


Jeromy McMahon said...

You do need to have dba access in order to use the kill statement.