NOTE: You may need to enter in a different Username and Password for your environment.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">
<soapenv:Header xmlns:soapenv="">
<wsse:Security soap:mustUnderstand="1"
<ser:LOV name="?">
<!--1 or more repetitions:-->
Hii can we please explain how to implement AAWS in people soft with document screen shots in demo.about online application records,peoplesoft records all..that would be helpful a lot for us.
Thanks for ur blogging.these are most valuble lessons.
While testing it via "Test Service Operation" in Peoplesoft, i get the following exception:
ICPanel](o) Integration Broker Sync Handler: OnRequest for message SCC_GET_LOV could not run to completion on node PSFT_HR.
(158,974) IBTREE_WRK.IB_INVOKEOPER.FieldChange PCPC:4883 Statement:104
Any idea?
Make sure you are current with maintenance and objects. Check CS Bundles and HR core bundles. You can also verify your IB settings, check the node, gateway...etc Make sure they are pingable. Are you testing via soapUI or service operation tester? Check service operation security. Those are a few suggestions you can try.
Thanks for quick response.
The gateway and node are pingable.
I have tested it via soapUI and it works fine. The exception posted in my previous post comes when i test via service operation tester. Also, when i try to consume the service via my custom online admission application it gives:
SEVERE: Exception {}SCC_LOV is not a valid service. Valid services are: { /HCM/services}SCC_LOV
Hi Jia Khalid
I am getting the same the problem if you have find it,s solution then please share.
Can you test via the Generic Service Tester? SetUp>SACR>Utilities>Generic Service Tester?
from where i can get setup of genric service tester??
hi Jeromy:
I am usig PS 8.52 and in SetUp>SACR>Utilities>Generic Service Tester
but in my case I have no delivered Generic Service Tester icon in my utilities or System Administration folder.
You need to be current with CS Bundles. Please review this within Oracle support - Campus Solutions 9.0 Generic Service Tester Tool (Doc ID 1478817.1)
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